Why use PPE?
PPE protects the wearer from infection. Proper use helps keep health workers safe and stops the spread of COVID-19.
Who should use PPE
You do not always have to use PPE when providing treatment or care.
Use PPE if you:
- care for someone suspected, probable or confirmed COVID-19
- undertake clinical examination or collect specimens from people who have suspected, probable or confirmed COVID-19
- have significant contact with people who have fever or acute respiratory symptoms
- work directly with patients or residents in an area with significant community transmission – community transmission is defined by jurisdictional public health authorities.
Read guidance on using masks or respirators.
Give surgical masks to patients to wear straight away if they:
- are under quarantine or investigation for COVID-19
- are suspected, probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19
- have fever or acute respiratory symptoms.
Purchase facemasks here FaceMask KN95